Come celebrate Spring and the Inspired Owl's Birthday by visiting us and entering our Springtime Linky and Giveaway! I have the pleasure of hooking up with some awesome educators for this giveaway!!
Well, A big celebration is the birthday of my daughter! She is so lively, enthusiastic, intelligent and has a great sense of humor! She will be 7 years old on April 15.
My first EdCamp!!!!
These are the many teachers that attended Edcamp from my District!
I can not believe that it is already springtime. The funny thing is yesterday we had snow flurries! My goodness, Snow in the Spring!!!
Anyways, this school year has flown by but I must say it has been full of wonderful memories. My kids had a blast with Camp Number Sense!
I am almost finished with my first year of First Grade. I was worried because I have been in Kindergarten for 20 years but I survived First Grade!
I m grateful that I have become a part of the blogging world. I have met so many wonderful people through this experience! I can not wait to actually meet them in person! Hopefully, this summer I can go to Vegas and be a part of all of the awesomeness! I love being a part of this inspiring community!
I have a wonderful student teacher who is making the second half of my school year amazing!
I attended my first Edcamp and can I just say, WOW!! I loved it. It will be the first of many more to come! I love technology and am so excited that I learned some more to integrate into my classroom!
I love my kids! This group of kids are just amazing. They are kindhearted and enthusiastic. They have made my first year in First Grade successful and one that I will always remember!
I love Spring time in the classroom! It is such a wonderful time of year! Baseball begins and the weather is so nice! Here are a few things I use in my classroom:
My kids make a bait to catch the Easter bunny! They use the Spring ten frames to count out the ingredients. I have a cute bag topper to staple to the top of the treat bag! Click on the picture for the link of this product!
This unit is awesome! My boys love it!!!!! Click on the picture for the link to the product! This is by Natalie's Nook!
Here is a freebie for you! My Springtime Ten Frames! Click on the image below for the Link!