Sunday, August 18, 2013


Boy, this has been a crazy couple of weeks! I moved my classroom which is still not done and I also moved my residence. That move would have made a great national lampoons movie about moving day!l!!

Anyway, I am writing about plcs. These are professional learning communities and they are very effective if ran properly.

During a plc, educators should discuss data, strategies, techniques and anything relevant that will improve student success. That is the end goal, improving student success.

There are roles that the members have and there are norms and conflict resolution strategies.

The roles are facilitator, time keeper and recorder! These times should rotate so that all members have an opportunity to serve as each.

Notes should be taken and distributed as well as an agenda.

I have created a plc binder for my team members that way we are all on the same page. This binder is available in my store on teachers pay teachers.

I also purchased two posters to display. Hopefully they will have the effect I am hoping for!

Good luck with the new school year and good luck with plcs if you have them!!!

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