We researched and learned about Leprechauns! Here are our questions and the answers we found!!!
What do leprechauns really look like?
Leprechauns are 2 feet tall. They wear red or green. They look like little old men.
What do Leprechauns do?
They are shoemakers. They make shoes for the fairies.
What do leprechauns eat?
They eat lucky charms, potato peels and brussel sprouts. Their favorite food is rice.
No they are afraid of water.
Do they slide down the rainbow?
They do only on St. Patrick's Day.
Are they easy to catch?
Female leprechauns are harder to catch then male leprechauns
Here are more of our traps!!!
We learned that it is best to try to catch them at dusk!!!
Come here, Leprechaun!! we have some gold for you!!! Here are all of our traps!!! We sure hope we catch one in the early morning!!!
Traps and more traps!!!
We also drew and labeled pictures of Leprechauns!!
We also learned that if we catch one, they will grant us three wishes to let them go!!!
We learned that there is a National Leprechaun Museum!!
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