Friday, July 31, 2015

Daily 5 Book Study Chapter 9

I can not believe that the book is over! I have enjoyed reading this book by the 2 Sisters! They have another book that I think I am going to dive in to soon.

I love the quote the Sisters started the chapter with! 

Chapter 9 deals with Daily 5 being used in "Special " Circumstances!

The Sisters discuss using Daily 5 in several different circumstances! Here are my outtakes from the chapter!

Barometer Students:

We all have a barometer student in our class. These are what the sisters refer to as the challenging students! We must remember that if we help these students and give them the tools they need they will be successful!!!

But we also have to do the following:

1. Stay out of their way! This is hard for me! but I will be working on this this year!
2. Make sure we teach the 10 steps to Independence. Remember there are 10 of these, we do not skip them or decide to pick and choose which ones to teach. There are 10 and we need to teach all 10.
3. If they are misbehaving, have them stay in at recess for a little while to practice appropriate behaviors.
4. If this does not work, you mat need to have a special spot for them to sit, a timer to help with their stamina, whatever tools you feel will help these students be successful!
5. Make sure they pick Good Fit Books!!!

Substitute Teachers:

We all know how crazy it is to get ready for a substitute! We worry if our plans are done and how our students were going to behave or folow our routines. It is very important for us to make sure the routines are kept as normal as possible. It should be like you are there. But we need to make sure that we write detailed plans. These should be specific Daily 5 plans that can be used with every substitute.this provides consistence for the students!

New Students:

AS the school year goes on, we all get a new student here or there. We need to kep in mind that not all teachers do Daily 5. So when the new students arrive, review the I Charts and the 10 steps. This is a great time for review for the entire class! Another great plan to have in place is to have students be the buddies for the new students. They can teach them the ropes!


Open Communication is necessary for this to be successful. Explain all procedures and routines to the parents. Send home Daily 5 information. Keep them informed. This will insure that all those involved understand the Daily 5 process!

We must remember that we must trust our kids! I know this is hard at times but we must loosen the ropes and allow them to choose. In order for this be done successfully, we must teach all 10 steps of independence! You can do it! 

Well this is the last post of our Daily 5 Book Study! Check out TPT, there are so many resources available! Also, we have had several free resources throughout our book study!

Here are the links to my previous posts:

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