Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Notice and Note section 9

I am linking up for this Tuesdays post  about the book Notice and Note!

The first part of the section is about assessment and the signposts! Signposts have ben the topic of the last two posts in this book study! Youtube has some good videos explaining the signposts!

Well, back to the assessments! The authors have three ways for us to assess the students. But when we are assessing we are not grading! We are assessing to make sure they are reading closely!

The three ways are:
1. Assessing by listening to their talk
2. Assessing by their Reading Logs 
3. Assessing with the Common Core Standards

Let's begin with listening to their talk, this needs to be done over time. this is not assessed just one time and then you are done. Over time they will move to the anchor question without any help from you. Here are the questions the authors suggest you as yourself as you listen to their talk: These are from page 99 and 100
1. Identify the scene that made them think of a signpost?
2. Explain why they think that scene represents that signpost?
3. Move to the anchor question without prompting?
4. Move to the anchor question with prompting?
5. Offer more than one speculative answer to anchor question?
6. Remain open to other speculative answers suggested by classmates?
7. Use evidence from the text to support their answers?
8. Connect this signpost to others (same type or different) in other parts of this novel?

Here is a sheet I created for you to keep track of this for your students:

2. Assessing by Reading Log- These logs will provide you with the information you need to see if they are becoming the independent readers that you are aiming for them to be. The students will write down their observations and thoughts in their logs. You will be able to see if they have gotten the anchor question and if they are understanding the signposts.

3. Assessing by Common Core Standards- You will be able to see if they are understanding the common core standards through their talk and their logs. The standards make the students read closely and take notice and note of the events and happenings in the text. I really liked the aspects of successful students that the common core standards provide. These four aspects are:
1. They demonstrate independence.
2. They build strong content knowledge.
3. They comprehend as well as critique.
4. They value evidence.
The author shares these with the readers on page 102. 

I found this section to be very informative and helpful. I love what the author says about Assessment and that is Assessment- not grading- is the heart of instruction!

The next section is Questions you might have. In this section, the author is focusing on questions that teachers have had and may have when teaching the signposts. I particularly liked this section because they are truly questions that all educators will encounter at one point or another when teaching close reading. There are 8 questions total but the one that I really liked was:

I worry that teachers can ruin the love of reading by constantly telling students they must be looking for something in a novel and then writing about it on a sticky note. Is that what I'm doing with these lessons?
Here is how the author answered this question: The students are not to collect the signposts. This is not to be a search. They students are to grow and become alert of significant moments in a text. These lessons are to teach them to notice and note not search for moments in a text!

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