Thursday, March 19, 2015

Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites Book Study Chapter 6

I am linking up with Amanda from One Extra Degree for Chapter 6.

What is this post about? Well, It is about Humor. Humor in the classroom, do you use it?

Once again, this chapter was awesome! As I read it, I was able to see that I use this quite a bit and I never really realized the advantages of humor in the classroom! I love to laugh and I love to make my kids laugh, now I know that I am increasing their creativity, collaboration and their overall learning!

So here is what Chapter 6 is about:

and here is my take away:

Here is a video on Humor in the Classroom:

Here is a quote I found that I liked:

So please click on the book below to go see the posts of some other awesome educators!

1 comment :

  1. Hi, Cindy! I loved your post! Great organizers to think about the importance of laughter in the classroom!! That quote is one that I want to remember and use! Thanks for taking time to link up to the book study!! Linda g.
