Tuesday, June 18, 2013

AAAAArgh your students important to you? Chapter 3 of Teach Like A Pirate- Rapport

How do we get our students to succeed? How do we get them to "buy into" our way? These are answered in chapter 3- Rapport.

Dave Burgess stresses the importance of getting to know our students. Knowing them and relating to them as humans not just as those who we are in charge of for the school year. Getting to know them on a personal note, what they like, do not like and using this information to tailor our lessons will increase student success. If they are engaged, they will be successful. There will be less behavior problems and more smiles. How can we create exciting and relevant lessons if we do not take the time to learn what they enjoy? How can we intrigue and hook them if we do not know what they are interested in?

Our classrooms must be safe and secure places where the students know it is ok to laugh and sing and it is ok to try new things. Will they always be successful the first time? No but this is where a safe environment comes into play. It is up to us to create an environment that is meanness free. An environment where creativity can flourish. It is important for them to trust you.

Let the students see that you are human. That you enjoy what you do. If we are enthusiastic then they will be enthusiastic. Their success and their attitude is dependent on us- the teachers. They feed off of us!

Setting the tone is vital. Dave Burgess stresses that the first three days of school are the most important. This is when they experience us for the first time. This is when the atmosphere and expectations are created. Rules are created and students meet and get to know each other.

The students must see us as humans as well. There must be trust between all and the students must feel safe when they enter our classrooms. If you take the time to get to know your students, create exciting and relevant lesson plans, create an environment that is safe and secure, allow them to know and see you as a human being,  and have fun then your students will be success.

Know what they like!!!! Learn their interests!!!


  1. I agree with you wholeheartedly! My group this year loved Magic Tree House books so I made a point to try and use them as much as I could!

    1. It is often overlooked the value of getting to know our students! It is amazing the success they achieve when we incorporate the things they love into our lessons!
      I love the magic tree house series also! !!

      Thanks for visiting!

